Myths of Roulette

Introduction to Roulette Myths and Player Fears

Roulette, with its spinning wheel and colorful tableau, has long been a centerpiece in casinos. However, it’s also a game shrouded in myths and misconceptions, leading to various unfounded fears among players. Understanding these myths is key to appreciating the game in its true form.

Common Myths Among Roulette Players

  • The Roulette Wheel Can Be Biased: The belief in wheel bias stems from historical incidents where imprecise manufacturing led to predictable outcomes. Today, thanks to modern equipment and regular checks, the modern casino ensures that their roulette wheels are free from such biases.
  • Betting Systems Guarantee Success: Systems like the Martingale, Fibonacci, or D’Alembert offer structured betting approaches. However, these systems cannot guarantee success due to the house edge and betting limits. They are strategies, not solutions, in managing bets.
  • A Number is ‘Due’ to Win: This gambler’s fallacy is prevalent among players. It’s crucial to understand that in roulette, each spin is independent of the previous one, and all numbers always have the same probability of being hit.
  • Dealers Can Control the Ball: The myth that dealers can influence the ball’s landing might come from observing ‘dealer’s signature’ patterns. However, this is more about random consistency than any intentional influence.
  • Online Roulette is Rigged: Online roulette games, especially those hosted by reputable casinos, are governed by RNGs. These systems are regularly audited for fairness, ensuring that each spin is random and unbiased.
  • Previous Spins Influence Future Outcomes: Many players keep a close eye on previous numbers, believing that they can predict future outcomes. However, in a game of pure chance like roulette, past spins have no bearing on future results.
  • Hot and Cold Numbers Offer an Edge: Some players categorize numbers as ‘hot’ (frequently hit) or ‘cold’ (rarely hit). This is a psychological trap; the likelihood of any number being hit remains statistically consistent.
Myths of Roulette Players

The Psychology Behind Belief in Myths

Why do players cling to these myths? Part of it lies in the human propensity for pattern recognition and a desire for control in a game dominated by chance. According to experts at, there is also an element of tradition and lore in gambling, where stories of big wins and secret strategies are part of the mystique of the game.

Rational Approach to Roulette

A rational approach to roulette involves recognizing its nature as a game of chance. It’s about enjoying the thrill of unpredictability and the social experience, rather than trying to outsmart a system that is designed around randomness.


Roulette remains a game of chance, mystery, and excitement. Dispelling these myths not only brings a more rational understanding of the game but also enhances the enjoyment of this casino classic. As players, acknowledging these truths allows for a more enjoyable and responsible gaming experience.